i’m surrounded by ugly idiots – 22


the phrase “merry crisis” has never been more accurate Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 19-54-08-64

here he is, the heir, the saviour.

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 19-54-37-75

joe mama is out there living their best life

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 19-55-54-62

vy: do you mind?
dagmar: not really, you go ahead

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 19-56-46-41

here he is! 420 (blaze it) smith, the heir of generation 7!!

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 19-59-18-96

vy: good luck with that

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-00-45-25

here is some information, not much to say really

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-40-09-41

i’ve already decided to get 420 abducted as much as possible to get some alien x plantsim babies

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-43-11-66

but first he’s gonna help his little sister grow up
da vinky: i’m just happy to be involved

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-43-33-05

she doesn’t have black hair, this is refreshing

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-44-22-15


Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-51-45-33

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-53-37-44

carrying on the tradition of getting a promotion on the first day of work!

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-56-20-78

joe mama had a birthday

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-58-37-75

*the tiktok voice* DA VINKYYYY?

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-59-14-58

hugh is just stood there waiting for 420 to stop trying to save da vinky so he can carry on being a dick

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 20-59-51-55

da vinky: thank you for saving me my younger? older? brother
420: literally don’t mention it again

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-08-44-28


Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-09-14-60

she looks no different

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-13-11-25

aliens were being dicks so 420 changed aspirations except he doesn’t have enough points for the summon aliens perk thing hahaha fuck sake

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-14-22-59

new aspiration

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-18-40-71

ankha zone: hey guys look
dagmar: not now sweetie the grown ups are talking

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-25-41-51

probably should have changed vy back to human before changing heirs but oh well

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-27-06-91

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-31-40-33

new job going well

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-32-47-35

oh my god crystal are you still bitching about your glitchy hair?

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-36-39-88

well 420 was too slow so he couldn’t get to da vinky in time, so he’s gone. rest in peace da vinky, sorry

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-44-02-28

finally got the perk!!

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-50-19-28

and a promotion

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-50-49-33

baby time lets gooooo

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-52-00-65

aliens: no thank you

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 21-53-49-68

happy birthday dagmar!

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-01-15-56

bump!! also the pictures on the wall just ignore them, my lighting is a bit glitched in the photobooth but am not gonna lie to you i can’t be arsed fixing it so just accept it’s fucked

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-11-12-70


Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-15-20-80

new lore just dropped, anyone crystal kills curses their hairstyles

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-23-05-09

*loud cheers*

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-27-41-19

apparently i missed some picture taking at some point

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-31-44-90

it’s a boy! he’s called fortnite. i’d like to imagine someone going back to the beginning of my story, seeing the thought out funny bits and now i just cba and call a kid fortnite for the meme

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-33-51-34

ankha zone: take me with you

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-38-11-73

thank you

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-39-49-83

joe mama fell asleep in their food

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-40-17-37

420: mother help
vy: sorry sweetie you’re no longer my problem

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-45-05-22

fingers crossed everyone!!

Sims2EP9 2021-12-19 22-45-45-23

why are you cute? you’re generation 8 of an uglacy i am going to unalive myself.

so anyway on a personal note i’m sorry this has been going on for 3 years i am just very lazy but i appreciate all the reads and comments. i mainly post stories for my own amusement because i’ve forgotten how to play games without sharing them but if i make one person do that ~breathing air out of nose~ laugh then i’m happy

torch-holders – 7
perma-platinum sims – 6
shrink visits – 6
social bunny visits – 0
social worker visits – 0
fires – 4
pee selves – 82
pass outs – 59
accidental deaths – 13 (9 saved)

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